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Articles Against SERP position - Optimization SEO Blog

Articles Against SERP position - Optimization SEO Blog. Content Against Continuing Position SEO article, this time we share SERP Position Against article itself.

Increasingly Large Amount article a website, then the position will also be boosted his SERP. There is truth, through this paper we try to give you a glimpse of exposure Position Against article SERP - SEO Optimization Blog.

Two of his blog one Horiutinus this blog, and its another one we call it by the name of Criminals Blog. Both of these blogs have a number of very different article. Horiutinus blog has about 35 articles, while for those already having Criminals Blog Articles of approximately more than 3,500 more.

In both blogs above, looks very clear difference in terms of the number of articles, article The greater the number, the size (size) will also be a great blog. This means that H is smaller than the blog blog C.

Different sizes which distinguishes how Search Engines look into the two websites. The larger the size of the blog, the easier it compete for keywords with other competitors.

In contrast, the small size of the blog that will be very difficult to compete for a particular keyword. Therefore, the small size of the blog usually utilize keywords (long-tail) to be able to compete in the SERP.

To compete blogs H will be very difficult because of the small size of his article. To get around this usually lengthy blog H using keywords such as "Felix Baumgartner Falls Photo of Space, Print Speed ​​& Altitude Record" to compete in the SERP. As a result the child or the H can outperform the C or the Sex Crimes blog.

Looking at the above question will arise, why rich blog article is very easy to compete for competitive keywords? The main reason is, google as a search engine considers that sites with a large number of articles which are sites that have been aged and rich article.

Article rich sites regarded as an experienced and useful site for visitors. Therefore the more the search engines prioritize sites that are rich in article.

This being a blog with a little bit of learning that article need to focus more to add to the article that SEO optimization is carried out not to be in vain.
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Tips for preventing plagiarism through small-scale WEBSITE PLACEMENT programs Plagiarism Checker

Tips for preventing plagiarism through small-scale WEBSITE PLACEMENT programs Plagiarism Checker. Most webmasters and even guide people avert plagiarism, very like a good number of search engine listings you should not guidance plagiarism and considering the equivalent subject matter, to counteract plagiarism belongs to the substances with the to-do catalog on most people, this includes people web based. Perhaps you may think about generally if the guide you cash in on which use not even become truth be told there, and had been truth be told there that only has a similarity with the articles and reviews that you have got manufactured, through articles and reviews maded by many others using the web.
Tips for preventing plagiarism.

To prevent yourself from plagiarism is definitely the option As i is researching using the web as a result selecting programs to prevent yourself from plagiarism may be to small-scale WEBSITE PLACEMENT Programs Plagiarism Checker, Plagiarism Checker In such a you can easily end up given a hand to in cases where you get a the same guide with the guide and several other subject matter and not even, along with a small-scale water programs Plagiarism Checker you can easily understand from where the guide and subject matter which we try to make the same and simply because plagiarized online subject matter or blogging.

Tips for preventing plagiarism through small-scale WEBSITE PLACEMENT programs Plagiarism Checker is known as a quick, small-scale online sites opened as a result magic then click Plagiarism Checker, then paste the article that you created in the Check For Plagiarism wait a while you will get the results of what percentage of unique content have you had in the article.

With a little luck Ways of avert plagiarism Plagiarism Checker small-scale WEBSITE PLACEMENT programs useful for one.
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How to check the keyword density on a post.

How to check the keyword density on the blog post Tips and tricks matkerticle this time is how to check the keyword density ; on each post . For those of you who often create articles for posting on your blog or website bada sebuat , it would be much better to check how tight or dense keyword / keyword of your article , it is used to optimize the page rank of your pages in search engines like google search .
How to check keyword density is used to determine how dense the number of keywords or keyword is included in an article of your blog posts , the total number density of words in a blog post .

And what determines the density of a keyword or keywords that exist in an article that will be ready to post on the blog ? And how to check the density / density ? Indeed good questions and good , please note that the density / density of a keyword / keyword an article to an article of its keyword density is 7 % , this consists of a heading title page url , post paragraphs meta tags, ALT text , bold link and italic text for the percentage . While the percentage of keyword density should be equal to 4 blog posts

Software for how to check the density / density of keywords / keyword You can use the Instant Article Analyzer .

Hopefully the article How to check the keyword density on this blog post useful for you , and good luck

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